Dunbar Therapy Center
Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy
1145 Dunbar Ave, Dunbar WV 25064

What Does a Physical Therapist Do?
Physical therapists provide a variety of professional services aimed at restoring the client’s function and independence. These include:
Assist patients with regaining strength and range of motion after surgery
Guide patients with pain management due to injuries or degenerative conditions.
Assist patients with improving balance and gait quality.
Educate patients and caregivers on home management of their specific condition.
Assist athletes in getting back to playing their favorite sport.
Educate paitients and caregivers on fall prevention.
Establish programs aimed at preventing injuries and promoting wellness.

Physical therapy can be beneficial for many different conditions and disorders. Some of the most common are:
Sprains and strains
Low back and neck pain
Joint replacements
Gait and balance disorders
Arthritis management
Sports injuries
Stroke management
Pediatric developmental disorders
Amputation management
Generalized weakness
Who can benefit from Physical Therapy?

What Methods of intervention are used?
The most common forms of interventions include:
Strength training
Posture stabilization and proper body mechanics
Manual therapy
Balance training
Neuromuscular re-education
Gait training
Client and caregiver education